Francis Rubio

Francis Rubio verified

Bisexual Filipino who makes things on the web and teaches other Filipinos to do the same. I write blogs and produce videos for @antaresphdev

Toots include:
- ukay-ukay finds
- Gawking on red carpet events and outfits
- Religious trauma as an ex-Jehovah's Witness
- Pinoy excellence
- Philippine politics
- Living alone

Antares Programming

Pinoy developers have this disease where they think everything can be turned into a business just because we have the technology, that everything can be turned into an app.

What's worse is that they look down on people who don't bother to build a business. Not everyone's born to be a businessman. I for one like to work for a company and receive a monthly salary. I clock in, work my ass, get paid, then clock out.

Also, not everyone who wants to is competent enough to have a successful business.

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And it's funny when you watch them from one technology to the next. First, it was freelancing with Wordpress. Then it was freelancing with React. Then it was Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. And now it's putting AI in just about everything. And while that's an impressive feat of adaptability, they're also the same people who give out unsolicited advice about building successful tech businesses (they don't have any) and berate you for having a 9-5 office job.

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There's nothing wrong with working as an employee. It's fun in the right company that pays you right and values you and your skills.

And I can't be bothered to learn business. I'm just a designer and developer. Also, I'm a breadwinner, and I don't want risks. I just want a comfortable life, and being an employee gives me that life.

Such a capitalist mindset to think that there's one major in college that is "useless". The point of us doing everything is to pursue those "useless" endeavors—art, science, philosophy, things that enrich and preserve our culture and humanity.

Only thinking of majors as useful in terms of money and ROI are why we get people who think AI is coming for everyone's jobs. AI doing most of our work should be a good thing! So we can focus on other things!

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Isn't it that we want a future with robots and ultra advanced technologies so we can just… do whatever we want? Without worrying about where we're getting our food or how we're gonna clothe ourselves? It's a much more meaningful life, or at least we have a better chance for it, if we don't wake up everyday doing another 9-5 job that's just signing papers or moving tickets from pending to ongoing to done in a kanban board.

Another thing that's funny to me is any attempt to prevent users from right clicking on an image to download it, or to highlight text to copy it. There is *no way* you can prevent your users from downloading your assets from your webpages, that's just not how the web works.

pointer-events: none? Covering it with a transparent div? Lol. People can edit your CSS, delete your div, or go straight to DevTools' network tab, refresh your page, and then download assets from there.

Another thing that's funny to me is any attempt to prevent users from right clicking on an image to download it, or to highlight text to copy it. There is *no way* you can prevent your users from downloading your assets from your webpages, that's just not how the web works.

pointer-events: none? Covering it with a transparent div? Lol. People can edit your CSS, delete your div, or go straight to DevTools' network tab, refresh your page, and then download assets from there.

Quiet quitting this, quiet quitting that. But no one talks about quiet pay cuts, which is when your salary isn't adjusted for inflation. So when you've been receiving the same salary for the past 3 years, you're actually taking pay cuts because your money has less value now.

Im so tired of allies stating that we don't need labels because it is divisive or some shit like that. Of course you don't need them, y'all are straight. The labels are for us, so we can have a name for a set of lived experiences so we can find each other, and we can find resources for the problems unique to our lived experiences.

We need labels. It makes it easier for us to find help. And it's not like we're forced to use 'em, we can choose not to if we preferred it.

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Granted, I think sometimes some in our community goes overboard with the labels, inventing new terms for things that already have names. But hey, as long as the respect is there and they're not pushing those labels on anyone, then all's good.

Allies should amplify queer voices, not speak on top of them and decide what they think is good for the community.

The word "breakpoint" has probably lost its meaning in and . Nowadays, most people think breakpoints are the standard sizes of different devices (desktop, tablet, phone, etc.) But the reality is there is no standard for device widths.

Breakpoints really are the *points* in which your layout *breaks* and you have to adjust it. It's okay to not follow the media queries used by Bootstrap that you got used to if your layout breaks at widths different from the commonly-used ones.

The reason I went to a photo studio is so I could update my @eleventy website banner. Here's what I've been working on for several hours now.

That image swapping as the window resizes happens via the <picture> element so the browser only loads the specific image when the user actually needs it, instead of loading both and hiding the other on certain breakpoints. No JS needed for this too!


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I added a different photo for tablet-ish sizes just to add some variety because I just saw this shot out of the 319 photos I ended up taking from the shoot yesterday. I think it looks quite lovely ablobcatattentionreverse

My website at tablet-widths. It now shows a shot of my torso wearing a hoodie with the word "future" embroidered on the chest in different colors.

One thing I find fascinating in and is the accents. Most Pinoy people don't use them, or don't even know about them. But it helps in cases like this:

"Mamimili ako ng mga damit."

This sentence can mean "I'm a buyer of clothes," "I will buy clothes," or "I will pick clothes," all depending on which syllable is accented in the word "mamimili" (buyer/buy/pick).

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Mámimili (stress on first syllable) means "buyer"
Mamimilí (stress on last syllable) means "will buy"
Mamimílî (stress on 3rd syllable, glottal stop on the last) means "will pick".

Filipino accents are very useful in writing, especially when the word's meaning cannot be uniquely identified by context alone. But accents are very specialized, it seems, and its mostly exclusively used by Filipino academics and literary writers.

"If you were born into poverty and you die in , it's all your fault" peeves me so much because it reeks of insensitivity, it is out of touch with reality, and it just makes the person who said it feel good about themselves.

Do you even know how hard it is to get out of poverty when you were born into it? It's virtually impossible for at least three generations, and that is if you're lucky.

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I live in an informal settlement called DM Compound in Caloocan City. I moved here when I was 7, and I've seen people my age stop going to school, make questionable life decisions, and build they're own miserable and poor families with more than 3 kids.

No one really knows now what DM actually means, but for many, it now stands for "’Di Makalabas" (can't get out), because once you're here, there's no going out.

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Poverty is an institutional problem. You are very near-sighted if you don't recognize that. Sure, poor families are financially illiterate, they bear too many kids, they don't manage their expenses, and they keep stopping going to school. But did you ever stop and think for a moment why this scenario is very common in poor families, not just here, but in the entire world?

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This dumb statement often comes from people who were born into poverty but got out and transformed their families' lives into middle-class lifestyles. They got out easily, so they think everyone can do it with just a little more hard work.

They fail to recognize that (1) they just got lucky with the opportunities that came their way, and (2) they are one sickness and hospitalization away from being in debt and poor again. They are not as financially successful as they think they are.

Pet peeve: forms that don't submit when I press enter on a text or number input. 😒

This happens when you create a form but don't use a <form> element because you handle everything in .

, 35 IT professionals manning the quick count of the 1986 Snap Elections walked out of the PICC after noticing irregularities with the COMELEC tallies. They noticed that their superiors started to manipulate the results in favor of Marcos Sr. This walkout later became one of the catalysts for the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution.

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As humble as our professions can be as developers, it is worth noting that we can still contribute to change our future for the better. These 35 computer technicians risked their lives for their honor and the integrity of Philippine elections. We owe them as much for changing the course of our history.

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These are their names:

Linda (Kapunan) Angeles-Hill
Myrna “Shiony” Asuncion-Binamira
Jane Rosales-Yap
Cooly Culiat-Medina
Alicia Torres
Ernie Alberto
Marisa Briones-Allarey
Marissa Almendral
Gi Antonio-Silva
Rory Asuncion
Bot Bautista
Erlyn Barza
Thess Baltazar-Roberto
Mina Bergara
Nori Bolado
Zoe Castro
Charles Chan
Achie Concepcion-Jimenez
Erick Celestino
Marissa Contreras-Legaspi
Maleen Cruz-Ngan
Dennie Estolas-Vista
Bambi Flor-Sena

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