Francis Rubio

Francis Rubio

Francis Rubio
Kalayaan Pagkakapantay-pantay Karapatang pantao
Educator and Content Creator
6 years
Web Designer
5 years
Web Developer
5 years

I specialize in creating accessible front ends for web projects and integrating them with APIs and back-end processes.

Layouts that use the latest techniques and technologies to make your website work on as many devices as possible. With the power of modern CSS, your website will have a layout that adapts to all screen sizes without breaking.
Whether your user views your website on a laptop from 2006 or the latest macbook, you can rest assured that your users will have a website they can use.
Pixel-perfect just don't work on the web. A better solution? Intrinsic web design. With a design pack (either from you or design by me) that follows your branding, you will have a website that will stay true to your brand's identity regardless of how it's laid out on your users' devices.
My services include both design and development. Just send over your ideas and branding guidelines and we will design a website that will fit your business or personal use.
A good website is usable by all, regardless of gender and disabilities. By complying to the latest accessibility standards, your website will be usable for everyone, from people who browse it on their phones to people who use assistive technologies—with no additional charge!
Ready to give me a shot?


Proven skill in tech that just works

Front-end Development 6 years of experience

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

I have been a web developer for about 6 years now, and I spent two of those years teaching web development as well. As such, I have grown to have advanced knowledge of HTML. I can identify common accessibility issues and how to resolve them. I can also write correct markup with appropriate semantics. I can also do Search Engine Optimization.

Front-end Development 5 years of experience

Cascading Stylesheets (CSS)

I have an advanced knowledge of CSS. I can do responsive web design, progressive enhancement, and modern techniques. I have working knowledge on using CSS frameworks like bootstrap. I can also build you your own CSS framework and style our website from scratch.

Language 5 years of experience


When building websites, I reach for JavaScript only when necessary. More focus should be on HTML so webpages work for as many people as possible. JavaScript comes in to enhance the experience. I can build client-side integrations with existing REST APIs. I can also build accessible UI components without using frameworks. And I can do more than just the basics of JavaScript.

Front-end Development 3 years of experience

Sass (SCSS)

Sass adds more fun and power in writing CSS styles. I have worked on websites with Sass since 2020. A majority of my front-end projects use Sass.

Development Operations 4 years of experience


Version control will save you and your business by always keeping a backup copy of code. When a new patch update breaks your website, Git can revert back to a working version. I have 6 years' worth of working knowledge with Git. I have also several years' worth of basic development operations (DevOps) to go with it.

Back-end Development 4 years of experience


I focus on building front ends for APIs, but I am also very comfortable around building back end services. Node.js is my technology of choice when it comes to that.

Design 4 years of experience


When it comes to prototyping, mockups, or even the occasional graphic design, Figma is my design tool of choice. When presenting designs and concepts to clients, I either send them a link to a Figma presentation, or files exported from it. My working experience with Figma mostlyy focuses on mockups and prototyping, brand design, social media cards, and infographics.

Authentication, Analytics, Cloud Storage 4 years of experience


My work is around JavaScript, APIs, and markup (Jamstack sites) , and I use Firebase for my back end needs. I can build integrations that center around authentication and user management. I can also build integrations for cloud storage as well as analytics.

Static Site Generator 3 years of experience


I switched to Eleventy from Hexo and Jekyll for static site generation. It gives me more and easier control on how site pages are generated. I can build templates, plugins, shortcodes, and filters. I can also assemble a build system within the Eleventy ecosystem. My templating language of choice is Nunjucks and Liquid (which is also used by shopify).

Language 2 years of experience


This is the first language I fell in love with and became proficient with. I used this in professional capacity for Android apps and back-end server programs in conjunction with the Spring Boot framework.

Back-end Development 1 years of experience

Spring Boot

My experience with Spring Boot involved maintaining internal web applications for a government agency, creating a standard project boilerplate repository for use by internal developers when creating servers for a new project. I also compiled a learning plan for Spring Boot used by developers looking to transition into Spring Boot development.

Ready to give me a shot?


The Museum

My most notable projects. Things that I am proud I made, or was involved in making. Work that I would love to do more of.

Web Development

Philippine Consulate General

A website revamp for the people

Antares Programming
Web Development

Antares Programming

Empowering Filipinos in web development

Android Unity 3D


Revolutionizing education with augmented reality

Building a similar project?


Me in Motion

Videos of me doing… stuff. Not necessarily about tech and software.


Pinoy Bloggers

Pinoy Bloggers is a webring of Filipino people with blogs. Your blog can be about anything. It can be about design, development, architecture, medicine, cross-stitching, knitting, puzzles, travelling—anything!

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